Scholarship Fund
On September 14th, 2005, the Board of Direction opened up a Student Educational Fund. This fund has been established to support students enrolled in an engineering curriculum with an emphasis in the Transportation Engineering field by providing funds to award scholarships, provide money for travel to ITE meetings, and other various student expenses as approved by the Board of Direction.
It is the intent of the OSITE Board of Direction to solicit for donations annually, hold events (example: auction, socials, etc.) that will contribute to the fund, and deposit excess income over the annual budget into the fund.
It is the intent of the OSITE Board of Direction to solicit for donations annually, hold events (example: auction, socials, etc.) that will contribute to the fund, and deposit excess income over the annual budget into the fund.
This Year's Scholarships
This year, OSITE is planning to offer two to three academic scholarships for $1,500 to students attending college with a clear degree path for a career in the transportation industry. Scholarships are awarded annually to students who apply with a short application who have distinguished themselves from their peers and who have shown that they have a desire to pursue work in the transportation world..